Amazon Instant Video is a hot place to buy and rent latest movies, many users choose to watch movies on Amazon Instant Video on computers. Do you like watching movies on Any Tablet and Smartphone? Playing movies on all devices is exciting, you can enjoy movies at anytime, anywhere. As Amazon Instant Video movies are hot, is there a way to put Amazon Instant Video movies on Tablet and Smartphone for watching freely? If this can be accomplished that will be great.
To get your Amazon Instant Video rentals playback on iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, and other lack-authority multimedia devices, you will have to get rid of the DRM protections on the movies and TV-shows rented from Amazon Instant Video service. You need Pavtube ChewTune (Read review).
This program enables you to get rid of the DRM schemes on the movies and TV programming rented & purchased from Amazon Instant Video by re-encoding them to open video formats like MP4, MOV, AVI, WMV, MKV, etc., also, you can use it to remove DRM from iTunes video purchases & rentals, BBC iPlayer program downloads. In addition, keeping Amazon movies forever is not a big deal.
Get Amazon WMV videos converted into H.264 MP4 for Tablet/Smartphone
Step 1: Run Pavtube DRM Media Removal tool, drag and drop the source video from local computer to ChewTune. Or hit the “Add Video” or “Add from folder” button to import your Amazon movies.
Step 2: Head to the output format list by clicking the format bar,and choose “Common Video > H.264 Video(*.mp4)” or other any format you like.
Step 3: If you like, you can enter “Settings” option to adjust profile parameters, such as video codec, bitrate, frame rate, size, etc to get better video and audio quality on Tablet/Smartphone.
Step 4: Click the start conversion icon which is in round shape located in bottom right screen to start removing DRM protection from Amazon Instant videos and transfer the converted movies from PC or Mac.
Now, you are ready to watch Amazon WMV movies on any Tablet and Smartphone at the nest time you wait for a bus, travel, or go camping trip.